After the stagnancy wrought by the pandemic, it will be refreshing to get back to growing your career and striving for your next big thing. Ambition will be fuel for your success and the timing is good because companies are hiring.
New research from Monster finds 82% of employers plan on hiring in 2021, including 37% who plan to re-hire and backfill jobs and 35% who plan on hiring for net new jobs. People are ready: 50% of workers set entirely new career goals for 2021, and 48% put looking for a new job at the top of their to-do list in 2021. In addition, 23% of workers will be seeking to learn new skills and improve existing skills.
The take-away message: Employers are hiring, but you’ll have some competition to get that promotion or new job.
Pipal Tree Services is amongst the leading Executive Search Firm in Delhi who understands that hiring leaders is the most important key to success has built leadership teams for diverse technology businesses. Get in touch with us now.
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