Technology Practice

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Technology Practice

India has become the digital capabilities hub of the world with around 75 per cent of global digital talent present in the country and is the world’s second largest exporter of software and IT services after the US. This tremendous growth has put technology companies and companies steeped in technology squarely at the forefront of the new economy which is driven by AI, Big Data, Cloud, Robotics and Cybersecurity. To compete and grow in this kind of complex environment, the expertise and efficiency of a technology company must advance ahead of the rate of change that they desires. And for this, the right talent will be the key differentiator.


Pipal Tree services work across technology vendors, IT services, telecom, consulting/professional services, shared services (BPO/KPO) and eCommerce, to advise firms on getting the right leaders to drive their organizations forward.  This is achieved by providing end-to-end strategic services that make individuals, teams and organisations stronger:

Given the responsibility leaders in the technology industry have on their shoulders, we know that finding the right talent is paramount. We understand that positions are filled by people, not resumes or CVs. Our team is always available to our leadership candidates and works closely and continuously with them to ensure they are matched with opportunities ideal for their strengths, needs and career aspirations.

Our experience, amplified by our understanding of the information technology market, provides a compelling value proposition in building long-term consultative relationships with clients along with identifying, following, retaining and developing talents and skills in this highly competitive environment.